Do Not Sell

Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information

We use cookies and other tracking technologies, such as web beacons, pixels, and tags, to gather information about you, your device, and how you interact with our website in order to enhance your visitor experience, analyze and improve our Services, for information security purposes, for our marketing efforts, and to help make our services more useful. We do not sell your information for money; however, we engage in routine online activities with third parties in ways that could be considered a “sale” or “sharing” under certain state data privacy laws.

You may opt out of having your personal information used or disclosed for advertising purposes by filling out the below information and submitting to us for processing. Please provide all required information so we can honor your request. Once your request is received, we will place a cookie on your browser signaling that you have opted out of such online activities. Please note:

  1. You will need to renew your opt out choice at each of our sites that you visit, if you visit the sites with another device or browser, or if you clear your cookies.
  2. Please note that opting out does not mean that you will stop seeing all ads. And after opting out of the “sale” of your personal information as described above, you may still see interest-based ads. Because interest-based advertising relies on cookies and other similar technologies placed by entities other than us, opting out needs to be controlled at the device and/or browser level. To learn more about interest-based advertising across other websites and apps, and your additional choices for opting out of interest-based advertising, please visit, and
  3. If you have blocked cookies through your browser settings, we will be unable to comply with your Preference Center opt out request.

For more information about our privacy practices, please see our Privacy Policy.